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Splitting Routing and GFWlist Domains with Bird & Clash in RouterOS
Quantumult X , a simple sample config file. 简单的样例配置文件
群晖开启tun并实现clash docker的透明代理
Sing-Box iOS/MacOS客户端分流配置 样例
RouterOS 用udpxy或msd_lite 组播转单拨观看 iptv
Pagermaid Docker版安装 以及 搬瓦工流量监控(文字版)插件
Monitoring mikrotik routers with prometheus+grafana
NAT小鸡 用systemd 来更新 Cloudflare DDNS的ipv4
Docker 快速搭建Trojan+NaiveProxy节点
通过 Gost 简单转发解决vps解锁问题
Naiveproxy手动搭建 + Https配合 浏览器Switchyomega直接使用
Build a Gateway& DNS server with V2ray on VyOS to across GFW
Create IKEV2 VPN Server in Mikrotik RouterOS- IKEV2 VPN ros路由器搭建
Ubuntu 安装clash
Build Caddy with trojan+naiveproxy+https support
Manually Build Naiveproxy Server and Client
Running clash on Synology Docker as socks5/http proxy server
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